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人力资源 & 好处

的 人力资源 工作人员

人力资源办公室由敬业的专业人员组成,他们致力于与员工合作,创造积极的环境, inclusive and productive work culture. 而所有的 human resources staff are trained to answer general questions, specific staff members administer particular benefit plans and programs.


每一天,教职员工都对澳门葡京博彩软件做出重要的承诺——尽最大努力支持学院为女性提供最高质量教育的使命. 的 college is proud to offer a variety of 好处 因为它认识到,优秀的教职员工的持续奉献和支持是澳门葡京博彩软件成为一个伟大的工作场所的原因.

注意: 你必须在入职后30天内向Workday提交你的福利选择.

2024 好处 Guide

Benefited Leave Time

花时间远离工作对于实现工作和生活的良好平衡很重要. Smith明白这一点,并根据需要提供了许多灵活的工作机会. 这些 叶子中受益 include family-related leaves; flexible work schedules; and holiday, personal and vacation time.

Payroll Information

如果您对您的薪水,税收或直接存款有疑问,请联系 就业办公室.


员工手册 介绍了澳门葡京博彩软件行政和后勤人员的就业政策和福利. 大学社区的每个成员都有责任阅读和遵守这些政策和程序.

澳门葡京博彩软件 行为准则

澳门葡京博彩软件的 行为准则 outlines principles, policies and some of the laws that govern the activities of the college; employees (faculty, staff and 学生) and others who represent the college must adhere to these.


的 college has only 1,560 停车位 for more than 2,080 registered 教职员工 vehicles. Unfortunately, there are no easy and quick solutions. 适当使用可用的停车位,并执行停车规则和法规,对车辆和行人的安全以及保持大学校园的美丽都至关重要. 校园安全要求社会所有成员在任何时候都遵守规章的精神和文字.

澳门葡京博彩软件 OneCard

澳门葡京博彩软件 OneCard is a multipurpose photo ID card issued to all Smith 学生, 教职员工. 你的OneCard可以识别你在澳门葡京博彩软件大学的身份,并提供各种校园服务.


如果你在工作中受伤,或者在执行学院要求的与工作相关的职能时受伤, you must report the accident to your supervisor immediately and complete a First Report of Injury Accident Report form 24小时内. 工人补偿保险为经历工伤或疾病的雇员提供部分收入替代和医疗保健支付.


Employee 健康 Program

To promote healthy lifestyles, Smith sponsors various 健康计划.



的 56,000-square-foot 校园中心 提供学生, 为教职员工提供全面的社会和智力互动环境. 学生参与办公室通过提供和支持通过课程参与学习的机会来补充澳门葡京博彩软件的学术使命.


校园中心咖啡厅 offers a wide variety of food and beverages, including gourmet pizzas prepared in a stone hearth oven, salads made to order, 自制的汤, Panini and deli sandwiches, and grilled foods including vegan and vegetarian selections.


澳门葡京博彩软件 校园警察 系致力于保护澳门葡京博彩软件社区的生命和财产. As a part of the larger college community, 校园警察 strive to foster an environment where diversity is celebrated; where all are made welcome; and where all rights are preserved.


Office of 大学的关系 communicates news and information about Smith to the media, other off-campus constituencies, and the campus community. 它还促进了社区的参与,以增加交流,保持学院和城市之间的积极关系.


澳门葡京博彩软件 电脑商店 以教育折扣价格销售硬件、软件、配件等. 这家商店出售苹果和戴尔的电脑系统,以及爱普生和惠普的打印机. With a valid 澳门葡京博彩软件 ID, 学生, staff and faculty are eligible for the store's special pricing. If the store doesn't have what you want in stock, it can be special ordered—often at an academically discounted price.

复制 & 打印服务

的 复制 and 打印服务 department provides a variety of services for the college community, including distribution of campus mail, preparation of outgoing mail, automation and addressing services, 邮件计量, 包裹运输, 直接邮件, and a full range of postal services, including shipping by United Parcel Service.


Accessibility Resource Center 协调并为所有类型的残疾人提供住宿和支持服务.

Inclusion, 多样性, & 股本资源

多样性 在教育环境的各个方面都是达到学术卓越的最高水平所必需的. 在澳门葡京博彩软件, 我们高度重视实现和支持学生的多样性, 教职员工 in the areas of race, 种族, 国家的起源, 宗教, 社会经济类, 性取向, 残疾和年龄. We believe that when a community is rich with varying perspectives, 观点和价值观, 使其成员更容易地处理复杂性和富有成效地参与多元化社会的潜力大大增加.

Facilities Management

Facilities Management is responsible for the majority of maintenance, repair and alterations to Smith's 120 residential, academic and administrative buildings—with a total of approximately 2.8 million gross square feet of space on 125 contiguous acres.

Information Technology 服务

User Support Center (USC) within Information Technology 服务 (ITS) provides telephone, 电子邮件, web-based and walk-in support for Smith 学生, 教职员工. USC的技术支持分析师帮助用户解决标准桌面软件的问题, 电子邮件, database and query tools, 语音信箱, printing and the Banner system.


的 Office of the 监察员 (ombuds)是一个安全的地方,教职员工可以在一个保密和中立的环境中谈论与同事或主管的冲突等问题, 需要进行艰难的谈话或任何你不确定如何处理的工作情况. 监察员将与你们合作,制定解决关切和解决冲突的有效方案. 

Smith Network Account

Your Smith Network Account provides access to the following services:

  • Google Apps for Education (Smith Mail, Contacts, Calendar, Google Drive, etc.)
  • Moodle
  • 澳门葡京博彩软件门户
  • Smith-owned computers
  • 网络存储
  • Wired and wireless networks
  • 图书馆资源

For more information, see ITS's Technology and Network Adviser page.

澳门葡京博彩软件 Bookstore

Located on the ground floor of the 校园中心, the 澳门葡京博彩软件 Bookstore is your one-stop source for textbooks, school and room supplies, general reading materials, 澳门葡京博彩软件纪念品, 礼物的想法, photo developing and more.

College Publications


在线 Grecourt门 delivers news and 事件 for the 澳门葡京博彩软件 community.


eDigest 在学年的每周二和周四发送到所有校园的电子邮件帐户, and on Tuesdays during the summer. This helpful resource provides important notices, 大学新闻, 事件, links to articles of general interest to the community, deadline notifications and other college information.

人力资源新闻 & 政策更新

新闻 & 政策更新 Page是人力资源部发布所有最新新闻、事件和公告的地方.

工作人员 Council Chronicle

Since its inception in the spring of 1992, the 澳门葡京博彩软件 工作人员 Council has provided a comprehensive communication network for the exchange of information between staff and administration; organized collegewide programs to facilitate personal and professional growth; promoted collegewide discussion of issues through public meetings and forums; and planned "extracurricular" activities such as trips to New York City, cookie swaps and the media exchange.

的 澳门葡京博彩软件 目录

在线目录 is a searchable database of staff, faculty and 学生. It provides campus mailing, phone and 电子邮件 information. Photos are only accessible to users of on-campus computers.

教师 Housing Assistance

Second Mortgage Plan

学院为搬迁到北安普顿地区的符合条件的新雇员提供第二笔抵押贷款. 该计划旨在提高学院的补偿方案,并鼓励在当地购买房屋. 更多的 information is available from the Office of 人力资源.


学院拥有数量有限的私人住宅和公寓,这些住宅和公寓是在可用空间的基础上出租的. For more information, visit the Five College 租赁住房 office or send an 电子邮件 to

Contact Provost/Dean of the 教师



Northampton, MA 01063